As we begin praying we are instructed to follow this format. The first is really revolutionary because as a disciple, that means we have surrendered and repented of our sin to Christ. We have received His forgiveness, His Spirit and are now “born again”. We are now given the privilege of calling God our Father. Romans 8:15 says we have been given a Spirit of adoption, that is adopted into His family and we cry out “Abba! Father!” Abba means father/daddy…Wow that is wonderful! Notice that we pray to Our Father, the One who is in Heaven and Whose name is Holy! He is our Father in Heaven, which distinguishes Him from all other so called gods, since all other “gods” and objects are created and are part of a created world or a created realm. Only our Father is the transcendent Creator. We are not to pray to statues, idols, objects including beads or crucifixes, people, deceased or living ...