In the last six articles we have looked briefly at the meanings of the different verses of The Lord’s Prayer. This line differs from the rest of the prayer, except for the first line, in that it is not a beseeching from God, but recognition of praise to Him. It is an acknowledgement praising Him and the eternal endlessness of His Kingdom. It is actually a doxology, which means words that express glory to God, and is usually in the form of a song or hymn that is often sung in conclusion. Another example would be of the well-known doxology Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow which is commonly known as The Doxology . Some theologians have argued their opinion that they do not believe that Jesus included this doxology when He taught His apostles this prayer and that it was added by scribes much later. Luke does not include it in His recording of the Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11), but some have said the r...