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Showing posts from August, 2019

Victim or Victor: You Can Live A Victorious Life!

Something of great virtue has been lost in America and we’ ve  hardly noticed. “What?” you might ask.  It is t he collective strength of the individual. Americans have always been known for their courage, and their independence, both individually and nationally.  This very trait is even celebrated in our national anthem: “O say, does that Star - Spangled Banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”    Sadly, we are losing that fortitude of mind and instead are rapidly becoming a land of victims. This happened to the French  in-between   WW1 and WW2 as intellectuals began to teach school children to focus on the victims of WW1 instead of celebrating their father’s courageous stand against the Germany’s invasion of their country for 6 long years. Due to the programming of their minds, the WW2 generation had lost their fortitude and instead they took on a victim mentality. As a result of this new kind of thinking of this gener...