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The Lord's Prayer Part 4: And Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against us.

This may be one of the most misunderstood verses in this prayer.  Millions upon millions of people have prayed this prayer sincerely, but have missed the true meaning.  The reason, is that we are eager to ask for forgiveness for our trespasses (sins), but ignore the meaning of the next portion, “As we forgive those who trespass against us.”  As with most all of God’s promises there are conditions.  The word “as” brings in a conditional situation as does the words “but” and “if” that we see in other passages of the Bible.   In this text the Lord offers us His wonderful gift of forgiveness for our sinful trespasses that we have done, but, on the condition we forgive others for what they have done to us.
Later in Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus clarifies this by saying, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  What He is saying, is that God’s forgiveness is contingent on our willingness and readiness to forgive others, and therein lies a huge problem for many who are quick to ask God for His forgiveness, but stubbornly refuse to forgive others.  Some people have had others do such horrible things to them that it would seem humanly impossible for them to ever forgive their perpetrators. It is actually against human nature to forgive, because we all have a sense of justice needing to be served.   You may ask how God could ever expect us to forgive, before He would forgive us.  It is only by His grace that we can truly forgive.  That’s right - He gives us the grace to forgive.  It is His strength, that He imparts to us at the moment we need it to forgive, because our forgiveness sets us free. And God wants us healed and free!
It’s important for us to know that forgiveness is not a feeling or emotion.  It may foster emotions, painful ones in particular, but it is not a decision based on emotion.  It is a decision based on “will”.  When our “will” lines up with God’s will, He imparts His grace to accomplish the deed.   
Some important things about forgiveness:  It frees us up from the pain.  It does not excuse or let the perpetrator off the hook.  It is not a sign of weakness; in fact it takes far more courage to forgive than to stay in unforgiveness and the bondage of bitterness it produces. Forgiveness frees us from the control of the perpetrator.  They no longer can live in our lives, “collecting rent”. To sum up, someone once said that to have unforgiveness toward someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!
Jesus said more about this very important topic.  In Matthew 18:21-35, He tells the story of a man who was forgiven of a debt that was impossible to repay.  Yet this man demanded payment from someone who owed him a small amount, but could not pay.  The man was called into account by the one who had forgiven him in the first place.  "Then the master called the first servant in. “You wicked servant,” he said, “I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. "This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart." 
There are many, who like me, have prayed the Lord’s Prayer many times and yet have missed the need for forgiveness. Yet without forgiving, Jesus said that His Heavenly Father will treat each of us like the unforgiving servant.  He will turn us over to the jailers to be tormented.  (This is a spiritual condition, not necessarily physical, but we can end up in a physical jail as many have.)  That is how egregious our unforgiveness is in His eyes and the effect it has on us!  
Many Christians are in torment in areas of their lives and with others because they refuse or are ignorant of the importance of choosing to forgive - others and ourselves.  God calls us wicked for that reason! The good news is God does not want you to be tormented, He wants to bless you. Unforgiveness can block this from happening.
This is where you can “get out of jail free”!  The key is in your hand but you must insert the key in the lock and turn it.  This is what it looks like:  you must give all those people a gift…perhaps one they don’t deserve, so that you can receive God’s gift to you, that you don’t deserve!  As we give the gift of forgiveness to others, God then forgives us.  Whatever and wherever you need forgiveness, Jesus is ready to forgive, as long as we are willing. One more thing to mention; when you forgive - speak out loud.  Don’t just think it or say it under your breath. Say it out loud so that all creation hears it, including you!
Remember, forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling!  You CAN do it!  Do it today -  walk right out of that “jail cell” of unforgiveness now. Enter into a whole new world of peace, love and joy found only when we are in right relationship with God!

Pastor Gary A. Smith
New Life Christian Fellowship
Alpena, MI


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