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Have We Created A Culture of Death?

After another heinous act of murder committed against innocent children and even before the family, friends and a nation have time to grieve, some are quick to use this nightmare to promote their political agenda.  How so very tragic.  None of us can truly understand their feelings unless we have experienced something similar and I pray we will never have to.  The cry of the media and many politicians is to ban guns, but banning the wrong things can have very dire consequences.  

For example:

• America has banned God from our schools
• We have banned prayer to God in our schools
• We have banned Him from  the public square 
• We have banned The Ten Commandments which includes THOU SHALL NOT KILL 
• We have banned anything to do with Judeo-Christianity erroneously siting the First Amendment.  

For the first time in our nation, God is no longer welcome in our society!  Make no mistake there are no vacuums in nature or in the spiritual realm.  When something is removed something else rushes in to take its place and that is exactly what has happened in America. 

When God, the author of life has been expelled and ushered out the back door, the devil, the author of death walked right in through the front door.  In our banning of God we have allowed a culture of death to take over our society.  For instance, we have shed the blood of nearly 60 million innocent babies, and are now butchering and selling their body parts!  We have several generations of Americans who have been desensitized by movies, video games and music that glorify profanity, violence, murder and bloodshed.  Euthanasia is the law in some states.  What is shocking is how many people viciously defend these “values” and “rights".

Life has lost its value and respect in America.  After all, if we aren’t really made in God’s image, then we are just the products of evolution; simply, advanced forms of animal life.  Why than is it any surprise that we are now producing homegrown, desensitized, cold hearted, blood thirsty mass murderers?  The Pandora’s Box of murder in America has been opened and we are now paying the piper.  Terrible? Yes! Beyond terrible! But we have sown to the wind and now we are reaping the whirlwind, (Hosea 8-7) for God is not mocked, but whatever is planted will be harvested!  (Galatians 6:7-8.) And the crop being harvested in America is death!

I understand the anger directed at guns since we must direct our anger at something in times so confusing and painful, but I ask where is the anger towards the abortion industry, Hollywood and the video game “creators”? Where is the anger towards the pornographers and drug dealers that rob our children of their innocence? Where is the anger towards music that spews vile obscenities against women? And where is the anger towards the FBI, local police and the four sheriff’s deputies who failed miserably and cowardly to do their duty?  The list goes on and on.  Our children have been violated over and over yet little is said until genuine products of OUR culture murders their classmates with a gun. Then the gun is blamed and the ultimate solution is banning the gun.  In reality, a gun ban could never be accomplished in our country.  The facts are that there are too many to confiscate, are borders are to open for smuggling and any machine shop can mass produce guns.  If we are going to ban guns then we had better ban fertilizer and fuel oil, knives, trucks and airplanes since they have been working quite well in the hands of some evil people. 

The problem is not the weapons of choice, the problem is that in America a moral rot is taking place and only by humbling ourselves and calling out to God can our land be healed.  God forgive us and grant us mercy as we mourn!

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Pastor Gary Smith


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