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Are you Spiritually Lazy?

(Repost from 7.29.13)
I have been planning to write this article for several weeks now. I even have a note on my computer reminding me to get at it! Not that I have been too lazy to start, just that there are always so many things pressing in on my time. This morning I planned that today would be the day, so as I was driving I turned the radio on and just happened to hear a man teaching on the Seven Deadly Sins and he just happened to be speaking on Slothfulness. I was delighted! Not because I love to write about indolence but because that was my topic for today.
Surely no one likes being called lazy or indolent or even worse, a sloth. In general Christian people in America are hardworking people who take serious the charge that the Apostle Paul, the writer of Thessalonians, gave in 3:10, “For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.” And Ephesians 4:28, “Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need”.
There are always people who feel they are exceptions and try to live off of the generosity of well-meaning folks, but the Christian work ethic has been a very basic part of our society since our humble colonial beginnings.
So, the question asked, is not whether you are lazy, but whether you are spiritually lazy. You may ask, “What is the difference?” Well, the difference can be huge. You see, there are many, many people who get up with the alarm in the morning, get dressed and arrive at work on time. They are very diligent and hardworking folks. They take their home responsibilities seriously by keeping their homes clean and maintained, etc. They also have time and energy for such things as a movie, TV, computer time, a book or hanging out with friends. They have plenty of energy for everything, but spiritual things.
The radio minister said something that I really had to ponder before I could begin to entertain the idea. What he said was that slothfulness was one of the worst of sins, even worse than pride. Worse than pride, I thought? Why pride was the devil’s sin - how could that be? He went on to reason that laziness was far more deadly since pride and other sins will usually run a cycle in a person’s life. Hopefully, there will come a time when the person plagued will be become aware that they have become trapped by certain sinful behaviors such as pride and will seek freedom. There is at least some incentive to change, but with spiritual laziness the person just keeps being lulled along by their lack of ambition to do anything. Whether that is an accurate deduction I cannot say but I do appreciate his logic.
Some will be convicted as they read this, others will be wondering if they fit into the spiritual lazy category or not.
So if you are wondering where you are at with your spiritual life here are a few questions to consider:
Are you too tired to get up and go to church on Sunday AM, but if your friend calls and invites you to go fishing or golfing or some other “fun” activity, you are up and ready to go? You have plenty of energy to do these types of things but not obey the Lord.
Are you able to stay up half the night talking to a girlfriend, but other nights are just too tired to talk to God, except maybe a quick prayer before falling asleep. Can you stay up late watching TV, play computer games, read a good book or even listen to a Bible teaching on YouTube, but are too tired to read the Good Book?
If you have ambition for all sorts of things, but don’t have the ambition for the basic Christian spiritual disciplines, you are spiritually lazy! What is more, your life shows that God is far, far beyond second place in your priorities. Have you ever wondered how much this would grieve the Lord?
Now that we have identified the problem we can look at how to overcome it. Please understand that these symptoms reveal we have been putting our affections on US and not on Him! The Bible would classify this behavior as carnal or of the flesh. The flesh nature is strong and at war with God Romans (8:7) but through Christ we can overcome our flesh nature.
Parents, especially fathers must take their spiritual role seriously. Getting your children into church is one of the wisest things you can do for them and keep them there! Children learn much by example and your laziness will affect them more than you realize. The world pulls very hard on children and without a foundation in Christ and His word you run a very real risk of losing them to the ways of the world. What does pulling them out of fellowship just because you are too negligent to train them in the ways of the Lord or because you get offended? What will that teach them?
So, we must acknowledge our deadly sin against Him and ask for forgiveness. A sincere prayer of repentance is very important. Confess how you have been a spiritual slacker and ask for God’s help to change. I find that when I ask Christ to help me have a desire and passion for Him when I don’t have it as I should, He begins stirring in me the desire to know Him better and learn of Him once again. It all starts by acknowledging my laziness and repenting of it.
Then, make a decision to start getting back to church and in fellowship with other believers. If you absolutely can’t get to church because of a disability or work scheduling, etc. then get to a Wednesday night Bible study or small group - whatever you can do to get back into and stay in fellowship.
Have established times set aside for Bible study and prayer. Having a nice little inspirational devotional reading is fine, but this will not bring the growth and spiritual strength that you will receive from personal study of the Bible. Regular fellowship with believers and especially those who have been called and gifted by God to be teachers or preachers of His Word is absolutely necessary! Be Faithful to Jesus Christ above all other things!
In 1 Corinthians 3:1 the Apostle Paul says, “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ.”
The writer of Hebrews charges us in chapter 10:23-25. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some but encouraging one another all the more as you see the day drawing near. For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins…. “
The next step is to put yourself in a place of accountability with someone or some ones. (Get in and stay in a Bible preaching/teaching church!). Recognize that you are an adult and must make adult decisions. Take responsibility for your life. You can change. You can become a diligent man or woman of God. We are living in extremely perilous times and must faithfully stay true to Him who has called us. We must be strong enough to be an example and an encouragement to our families and to those around us!


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